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Hazards electrical linemen face on the job

On Behalf of | Apr 22, 2024 | Workers Compensation |

Electric linemen keep the electricity in their area up and running. But that comes at a cost to them because this is a hazardous occupation. These men and women face significant hazards each time they go to work.

The onus is on their employers to keep these workers as safe as possible. This is typically done through awareness, training and providing them with the proper tools and equipment to do their jobs. Nevertheless, understanding some of the hazards may help linemen to remain safer while they’re working.

Extreme temperatures

Temperatures in Arizona often soar above 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer months. These temperatures can lead to heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Another risk is haboobs, which can dramatically reduce visibility and air quality. These storms can arise quickly, which creates hazardous conditions for linemen working at heights or handling high-voltage equipment.

Wildlife hazards

Arizona also has venomous wildlife, including snakes, scorpions, and spiders. Encounters with such creatures can lead to dangerous bites or stings that require immediate medical attention. This is even more dangerous when the lineman is working alone because of the risk of being unable to get proper care quickly.

Demanding work

Climbing utility poles, lifting heavy equipment and performing manual tasks at height can lead to strains, sprains, and other injuries. Electrocution and electrical burns are severe risks, significantly when safety measures are compromised or if unexpected equipment failures occur.

Drivers passing work sites

Another significant hazard for electric linemen in Arizona, especially those who work near or alongside roadways, is the risk of being struck by vehicles. High-speed traffic can pose a deadly threat to linemen, particularly in areas where drivers may not expect to encounter maintenance work.

Injured electrical linemen will likely need emergency medical care. Workers’ compensation should cover that cost and any other losses related to the injury. Some workers have to appeal denials or low-ball benefit awards, so having a legal representative may help them learn their rights and options and pursue appeals to get the benefits they deserve.

