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5 things manual laborers should know about SSDI

On Behalf of | Mar 21, 2023 | Social Security -- Disability |

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides financial assistance to individuals who are unable to work due to a long-term disability. For those who have primarily worked in manual labor jobs, obtaining SSDI benefits may be a crucial lifeline if they become disabled and can no longer perform their job duties.

When applying for SSDI, the following things are usually considered as part of the application process:

1. Eligibility requirements

You must meet specific eligibility requirements, including having a sufficient work history and having paid Social Security taxes. The condition must be expected to last at least 12 months or result in death, and it must prevent you from engaging in substantial gainful activity.

2. Work history and manual labor

Your work history, including the nature of the jobs you have performed, is considered part of the application. The physical demands of manual laborers can be an essential factor in determining your ability to continue working or transition to a different type of job.

3. Medical documentation

Medical documentation must clearly outline your disability and how it prevents you from performing your job duties or any other work. For manual laborers, this may include documenting physical limitations, such as restricted mobility or loss of strength.

4. Vocational factors

Manual laborers with limited education or work history outside of physically demanding jobs may face challenges in finding suitable alternative employment, which could increase their chances of qualifying for SSDI.

5. Residual functional capacity 

Residual functional capacity evaluates your remaining ability to perform work-related tasks despite your limitations. For manual laborers, a lower RFC could mean a higher likelihood of being approved for benefits, as it may indicate a reduced capacity to perform physically demanding work.

Going through the application process for SSDI can be complicated. Working with someone who can help you through it may lessen your stress and improve your odds of success.

