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Will you face surveillance after filing a workers’ comp claim?

On Behalf of | Feb 17, 2023 | Workers Compensation |

Workers’ compensation benefits exist to support and help those who have suffered on-the-job injuries and illnesses. In exchange for not suing your employer for your harm, you receive medical care coverage, partial wage replacement and other benefits.

Although workers’ comp is invaluable to employees, employers and national economic stability, it is also prone to abuse. To separate fraudulent claims from valid claims, insurance providers use a variety of investigative methods.

Common techniques

It is safe to assume that surveillance is one of the last measures workers’ comp insurers use to spot fraud. They will first look at the documented evidence associated with your claim. Examples of documents include:

  • Your initial injury report
  • Employer incident report
  • Medical treatment records
  • Witness statements and accounts
  • Previous workers’ comp claims

They may also examine your social media accounts to spot evidence that you are less injured or more capable than you claim. For example, videos and posts of an injured worker’s recent rock-climbing exploits could invalidate a workplace back injury claim.

Surveillance is not likely

Workers’ comp insurers probably want to avoid hiring expensive private investigators to keep tabs on a filer unless substantial sums are involved. However, you must still guard your claim and your rights. Follow your doctor’s treatment instructions and abide by other rules necessary for success.

States have different laws

While there are many similarities in workers’ comp laws from state to state, each one has unique legal requirements for filing a claim and appealing a denial. It is wise to become familiar with Arizona workers’ comp laws when seeking the benefits you deserve after an on-the-job accident.

